Friday, February 18, 2011

The Family in Global Perspective: A Gendered Journey

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The Family in Global Perspective: A Gendered Journey

"I think it would be a great book for a class in Family Studies. In the Family Studies field, we have come to realize that the ‘family’ as we see it is not how peoples of the world necessarily see it. I think exposing all Family Studies students to this text would greatly enhance their educational development. . . . written in very comprehensible language for undergraduates."

â€"Yvonne M. Caldera, Ph.D., Texas Tech University

"I find the book overall is well done: it is very readable for undergraduates; the author is good at interweaving interesting research and travel notes with theories and discussions about families in a global perspective in various places. The style is refreshing, particularly enticing for undergraduate readers."

â€"Heying Jenny Zahn, Georgia State University

"The book is rather unique in the sense that there are few works that place the U.S. family within a larger global framework. The comparisons that are made across societies serve to enhance understanding of family patterns in the United States. I also should mention that the book is well written, and in an interesting way, too. It successfully combines important academic material with a thought-provoking style of presentation."

â€" Sharon K. Houseknecht, The Ohio State University

What is a family? In the context of biology, the answer may be fairly simple. However, in the social context, the family is a far more complex form, with a meaning that is multilayered.

The Family in Global Perspective: A Gendered Journey examines the continually changing face of family life, in the United States and from culture to culture. Written in an engaging style, the book provides a global viewpoint about family issues, enabling readers to think critically about family life in cultures beyond their own.

In The Family in Global Perspective, author Elaine Leeder uses various historical, theoretical, and comparative perspectives to develop a cross-cultural understanding of family life. The book examines a variety of family lives in western countries and contrasts them with those of families in parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. After comparing the history of the family in various parts of the globe, the author then looks at the impact of globalization on family structures; gendered behavior; intergenerational relationships; relationship dissolution; race, ethnicity and class issues; violence; and social policy.

Features of this text:

  • Expresses a feminist view of family life and includes case examples from the author’s own experiences visiting and studying families in 42 countries.
  • Organized topically, rather than by country or culture, to facilitate instruction on a particular component of family life.
  • Pedagogical features such as an accessible format, chapter introductions, vignettes and photos, highlighted key terms, and chapter summaries enhance students’ understanding.

The Family in Global Perspective is an ideal supplementary textbook for courses on marriage and the family in a variety of disciplines including Family Studies, Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, and Women’s Studies.

List Price: $ 63.95

Price: $ 57.83

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