Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is a good quote linking art to literature?

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Question by puppiepal419: What is a good quote linking art to literature?

In Humanities, we're doing a formal speech linking a character from Lord of the Flies (Jack for me) and a piece of artwork. I wanted to start out with a quote linking literature to art for my attention grabber, and then lead off of that, and come back to it for my conclusion. Please make it by someone famous, or someone I could at least find on the internet. Thanks a lot in advance!

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Answer by Ed
"When a book, any sort of book, reaches a certain intensity of artistic performance it becomes literature. That intensity may be a matter of style, situation, character, emotional tone, or idea, or half a dozen other things. It may also be a perfection of control over the movement of a story similar to the control a great pitcher has over the ball." â€" Raymond Chandler

"Oh literature, oh the glorious Art, how it preys upon the marrow in our bones. It scoops the stuffing out of us, and chucks us aside. Alas!” â€" D. H. Lawrence

"The one and only substitute for experience which we have not ourselves had is art, literature.” -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

For a great discussion of literature as a form of art, click on the third link below.

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